Writer : Ryan North
Artist : Carlos Gomes
Color Artist: Jesus Aburtov & Fer Sifuentes-Sujo
Letters: VC’s Joe Caramanga
Cover: Alex Ross

So every time I have approached someone to tell them about the latest issue of this run of Fantastic Four it usually goes something like this…

“Ok, so I’m reading the latest issue of Fantastic Four, and listen I know it’s Fantastic Four and its been a while since they have been written well but TRUST ME this is amazing!”

I tend to say this with every single issue that comes out, so blanket statement here. THE FANTASTIC FOUR ARE BACK! I really do believe this, originally, I was drawn in by the absolutely stunning Alex Ross covers and it would be a lie to say otherwise. But after digging into these stories, I have been blown away on a monthly basis.

I think the biggest reason is it has really captured the essence of an extended family so well, and for a team that is the first family of Marvel this is how it should be. I know it can get a little heavy when dealing with families in comics, but this creative team has really walked that line between heavy and lighthearted like an expert tight rope walker.


Ok so let’s dive into the recap of this issue. We begin with Ben and Johnny working, what looks like, a nighttime security job at a local brewery. Ben Grimm loves this, he has all night to just sit there with his thoughts and in silence. Johnny on the other hand is going absolutely stir crazy. Ben reminds the matchstick that since the FF’s assets have been frozen, they need to pitch in so Alisha Masters doesn’t have to keep paying for everything during their exile to Arizona.

Johnny seems to take this oaky….for about 1 min then he starts making little flame glasses and mustaches on the Thing. Ben yells at him telling him that they are in a highly explosive environment and fire is the worst idea. And as it happens it was, Johnny ignites a fire but quickly absorbs all the flames so no one would get hurt. Ben then gently reminds him by pointing at the security camera that their boss just saw all of that and they are immediately fired.

After this not so surprising turn of events Ben tells Johnny that he is no longer allowed to work with him, and to get his own job. They then begin to do separate job interviews….for the same job as cashiers at the local grocery store. So of course, this leads to an argument that quickly has a way to resolve itself via a “Cashier of the Month” competition at the store.

They both put their all into the contest and it ends up in a tie, so they then begin to start for the title of cashier of the month for next month. During one of their shifts there is a report that shows up to interview Johnny Storm, the fallen teen idol. Seeing this as a great opportunity to knock the Human Torch down a peg he happily introduces them.

It starts out as a standard interview until the reporter starts to get kind of mean with him. He points out that he is broke, working a minimum wage job, while squatting with 8 other people in a single house, and then he says he has a terrible mustache and if the cashier job falls through he can always take up as an exotic dancer.

Smugly the reporter is on his way out when Ben drops his giant hand on his shoulder and begins to give him a talking to. He mentions that Johnny is a superhero, a great man, and a rockstar. He reminds him how many times he has saved the planet as well as the galaxy, and finally how well the mustache works for Johnny and that it accentuates his cheek bones!

Humbled the reporter scurries off, Johnny looks to Ben and begins to thank him when Ben cuts him off saying, “Don’t you ever tell anyone I said that stuff”.

Although this is just a filler issue of Fantastic Four, it really does show exactly what is so good about this series. You have Ben and Johnny fighting as brothers, trying to one up each other at every opportunity. But the second someone else tries to stick their nose in there and attack their brother, then the adage “No one gets to pick on him but me!” comes to mind.

I could go on for days preaching about how good this series has been but please, do yourself a favor and go pick it up ASAP!!!

9/10 Stars

One response to “Fantastic Four #20 Review and Recap”

  1. I’ve really got to check that book out. Every new issue sounds like a gem.


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