So I was able to sit down a few months ago for a panel with most of the creative team behind Feral, and Stray Dogs at Wasatch Comic con. They were amazing people and I have been hyped to read this new ongoing ever since! The official description of the series states,

“Meet Elsie, Lord Fluffy Britches, and Patch, three indoor cats lost in the not-so-great outdoors during a nightmarish rabies outbreak.

Without their humans to protect them, the cats rush to find their way home before they’re eaten by the forest full of rabid beasts on their tails.”

If you have read Stray Dogs, the setting of animals as the point of view characters will be very familiar to you. It’s certainly a unique way to tell a story, and one that I have really fallen in love with. So there was no way I was not going to pick this up.

The way I would describe this story would be, if Stray Dogs was an homage to the classic horror movies, this one feels like it is in line with something like the Walking Dead…. ya know, but with Cats.

The artwork from Trish Forstner is fabulous, it really captures the feel of the Don Bluth style animation from All Dogs go to Heaven, and The Secret of Nimh. This style I think adding that art to the masterful scary story telling of Tony Fleecs adds so much to this book.

This issue, to me, is a perfect first issue. It gives you a good solid grasp on the overall story as well as a fantastic introduction to our main characters, and you really cant ask for more! Needless to say I am hooked, and I think every one out there needs to get this book in their holds ASAP!! It combines the innocent and the spooky with a lot of adventure in between.

I give this easily 10/10 stars, I cannot wait to see where the story goes!!

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